I’m so excited to have found ladybug nymphs in the garden that I’ve been going to watch them ever since I found them…

Two days later, the nymphs were bigger, broader and showing more colour in the form of pale orange spots. They were still running like hyperactive things, searching for food. Oh, there were considerably fewer yellow aphids on the plant by now, too. Heh heh heh.
We had a couple of rainy days and I didn’t see the nymphs when I went to look for them. Then, three days later…

Looks like it's time to pupate! You can see the ridged back of the nymph, which was still moving a little as I observed.
I guess they’ll be in their cocoons by tomorrow – and in a few days, will hatch into little ladybugs! I hope I’ll be able to catch them at the right time, and that it doesn’t keep raining and make me miss the moment. All told, I spotted three of these forming cocoons. I wonder where the other nymphs went?
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That is cute! Your patience is admirable
I don’t have your knowledge –
I wouldn’t have realised those were ladybug babies and would have thought they were pests – so now I know if I see one…
Ever since I saw the one ladybug eating aphids on my bean vines earlier this year, I’ve been wanting more ladybugs in the garden. So some research into their life cycle and then a lot of observation finally brought me to this point. I’m so happy they’re still around – thought they were gone for good as I haven’t noticed any for years and years. All the better they’re beneficial insects!