Angled loofah flowers against the night sky. I find it interesting that angled loofah flowers bloom at night while smooth loofah flowers bloom during the daytime. There are no cross-pollination worries that way!
The angled loofah plants have been blooming abundantly and looked so pretty in the moonlight tonight that I had to try to capture their beauty.
I stress “try”.
I felt that the camera flash created too harsh a shot, so I resorted to my phone cam to see if the “night” setting would do any better.

The camera doesn’t always accurately capture what the eye sees, but this is closer to what I wanted to share with you – the ethereal look of the angled loofah flowers against the cloudy, moonlit sky.
It took many snaps from many angles, but I finally got something I liked. What do you think?
Happy Mid-autumn Festival!
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