Every once in a while, the long bean plants decide to bear lots of beans at a time. I don’t know if it has something to do with weather or whatever, but we’ve been treated to the delightful sight of lots of beans decorating the trellis, like the long bean version of a Christmas tree.
We’re not complaining!
Today’s harvest – a handful of over ten thin long beans – was lightly fried and consumed within the day. The beans were tender and oh so sweet – not something you’d get from store-bought veggies.
We’ll probably get a similar harvest tomorrow or the following day, depending on how young we decide to pick the beans. I prefer to pick them before they lose their smooth slimness, because once they get bumpy, it means the seeds inside are better formed, and the beans are less tender. This variety growing now is a thin one, and is pretty tasty!
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