My baby brinjal

I can’t wait for the fruit to reach maturity to write about it… I’ve been checking on the little brinjal fruit that’s been developing over the last 10 days or so, and maybe I’m just a proud parent, but I had to share the photos. See how fast it’s growing?

Eggplant fruit starting to show...

Now you see more of the fruit and that first tinge of purple...

Mini purple aubergine - isn't it cute?!

10 days old, 12cm long, and I think it will pretty much look the same when it matures - just bigger...

Growth-wise, I’d estimate they’re about halfway there at 12cm now. I’m not sure exactly when to harvest it, but I guess I’ll learn soon enough. My guides thus far are that it should be between 15 to 20cm long, and still be glossy; and that it should be soft enough that it can be pressed in, gently, but should return immediately to its original shape. If it’s not ripe, it will be hard; if it’s over-ripe, it will be so soft that it will bruise easily.

I hope the other plants start bearing fruits soon, so that this won’t be a one-off garden treat.

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My baby brinjal — 3 Comments