Learn from my hard-won lessons. It’s caterpillar season again, and short of frequent examinations of the undersides of all the leaves of our most susceptible plants, it’s really difficult to find and remove offending caterpillars until they’ve already done significant … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: April 2012
There are times when I feel like a blind person who can suddenly see. I may not check on all my plants on a daily basis, but I do try to keep abreast of all the changes and goings-on. So, … Continue reading
It was my hope to gloat much sooner about growing the green snake gourd, but the fruits have been aborting one after the other. I initially thought that the green stink bugs had moved from sap-sucking the beans to the … Continue reading
Doth my eyes deceiveth me? Are those pumpkin flower buds I see on the generic pumpkin plant? Or are they new stems growing? These were just spotted on the plant that is, what, two weeks old right now? It’s barely … Continue reading