We can never get enough of a close-up view of the Keng Hwa flower. It is absolutely gorgeous, in our opinion!
Our Keng Hwa plants like to surprise us often. For whatever reason, the flower buds have a really fast rush to the finish – or in this case, blooming – line, and if we forget to keep checking every evening, we may miss the flowers when they open. On evenings like that, it is only the scent of the flowers that alert us that they’re ready.
Last night was one such night. We knew there were buds had been maturing on the plant, but expected them to bloom closer to the weekend. Instead, the first of the bunch opened last night, and despite having a cold, I caught the scent of it. (yes, the aroma is that strong!)
Tonight, I remembered to check on the others, and found 3 of them open and already attracting ants and the usual lizard…

Two of the flowers in bloom now, next to the one that opened last night. And, at the bottom of the picture, on the leaf in the background, is the lizard that hangs around when the flowers open.
Since it’s a rather chilly night (by our standards anyway!), I got these lovely photos and decided to share them immediately with you. Enjoy!
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