And we have veggies growing again!

The fantastic thing about plants is that they grow, whether or not you watch over them (not good in the case of weeds, but I’m not talking about weeds this time). Thanks to the efforts our friend from Thailand, there are several types of edible plants now growing here again:

I call this the angled loofah jungle. There are several plants in this pot, and they're at the rapid growth stage...

I call this the angled loofah jungle. There are several plants in this pot, and they’re at the rapid growth stage…

Here's the glutinous white corn. Our friend sowed 3 seeds per spot and said that I needn't thin them out. There have been a few casualties, methinks, because not all spots have 3 plants now. However, there should be quite a few, if they survive. (I haven't had the best luck with corn yet, so am sceptical)

Here’s the glutinous white corn. Our friend sowed 3 seeds per spot and said that I needn’t thin them out. There have been a few casualties, methinks, though, because not all spots have 3 plants now. However, there should be quite a few plants, if all these survive. (I haven’t had the best luck with corn yet, so am sceptical)

We started out with 6 seedlings but now have only 3. I blame the snails, because of the way the leaves were eaten up. After we lost the third plant, I resorted to using snail pellets. Since there was only one small snail that died next to the plants, I suspect it was the culprit, because a big snail would have decimated the plants in one fell swoop.

We started out with 6 bittergourd seedlings but now have only 3. I blame the snails, because of the way the leaves were eaten up. After we lost the third plant, I resorted to using snail pellets. Since there was only one small snail that died next to the plants, I suspect it was the culprit, because a big snail would have decimated the plants in one fell swoop. So thank goodness it was a small one, because I’d really like to finally grow the big variety of bittergourds, and these plants need to live!

Apart from kangkong, I haven't had the best luck with leafy veggies, so this is a novelty for me - the three pots of Chinese greens, I mean.

Apart from kangkong, I haven’t had the best luck with leafy veggies, so this is a novelty for me – the three pots of Chinese greens, I mean. A fresh lot of kangkong is growing in the long planter.

All of these plants were sown by our friend from Thailand. I think she was really excited about what she had brought, and wanted to get them growing immediately. It was also probably because she saw how busy I was with work while she was visiting, and she guessed it would be some time before I got down to planting anything. Well, seeing them grow has inspired me to get my seeds out of the fridge and start more plants, because I really, really enjoy the sight of new plants growing. :)

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