What do I do to beat the heat and feel happy? Why, sow seeds, of course!

New cucumber plants – because I’m wishing I’d done this over a month ago so we’d have nice, cool fruits to cope with the current heat.

Kangkong plants that I intend to grow in hanging bottle-pots. The conversion of bottles to pots will be a weekend project.

And marigold plants, because I harvested a seed head somewhere and decided to start growing the plants before the seeds lost their viability.
Oh, there are more plants in the works, but I’m not sure if the seeds are still good. Sowing seeds is one way to clear my old stocks of seeds that are a couple of years old. Storing them in the refrigerator extends their viability, but perhaps I push those boundaries too much… Anyway, seeing new plants germinate and grow from seed is one of the things that lifts my heart, and with the horrible weather we’ve been having (high levels of haze ), I do need that boost of joy.
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