Announcing the arrival…

Finally, the sight every pineapple grower years for: the crown!

Finally, the sight every pineapple grower years for: the crown!

It’s taken an entire year for this to happen. Last April, we harvested our first pineapple. As there was a sucker on the plant, I decided to let it keep growing, to see if that sped up the process to the next fruit. Four months later, I noticed a second sucker growing, and detached it because I read that the fruits of suckers growing on the parent plant will be smaller in size. This is known as a ratoon crop. Since then there haven’t been any more suckers, and I put the plants at the back of my mind. Except for trimming the sharp tips, I don’t usually bother with them. However, I do occasionally peep down to the centre to see if there’s anything happening. Well, my patience has finally borne fruit (pun fully intended). The first sucker is finally crowning, so I reckon we’ll get to harvest in July or August. Hurray!

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