The biggest bittergourd this season

The biggest bittergourd of this growing season on the left - 10cm long

I’ve been keeping an eye on our bittergourd vines to see if there’s any difference in the size of the fruits this year.


Well our vine last year grew in a big pot that was also occupied by a bushy dracaena surculosa plant. I suspected that it restricted the size of the fruits, although the vine certainly grew vigorously.

This year, we grew the vines in the ground, and me being so curious, I wanted to see if the fruits would grow any bigger, even though our bittergourds are probably from one of the smaller varieties.

I don’t know for sure because our plants are volunteers – the seeds were dispersed into our garden by birds, and just grew.

So far, the fruits have been around 6 to 7cm long – similar to last year. However, one just grew that’s the longest so far, at about 10cm! It may have been an anomaly, or it could be a sign of things to come. Time will reveal…

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Visit to a compost production facility

Just some of the hills of compost that we saw

I was quite privileged to receive an invitation from GreenBack – the folks I got my ton of compost from – to visit their production facility out at Sarimbun Recycling Park this week. Since the invitation was an open one, I gathered my posse consisting of Skyfiery, Curious Mama and Curious Friend – collectively known as the Kaypoh Gardeners :) – and we made our way towards Lim Chu Kang. It was actually a very pleasant drive, taking us through Kranji – one of the last rural areas in Singapore. We also had the best kind of weather for our visit – cloudy! So it wasn’t wet, too humid or blazingly bright.

It was also my first time driving into a heavy industrial area – the recycling park. Negotiating the uneven road surface while heavy vehicles were going by was definitely an interesting experience! But then, so was the rest of the afternoon!

We were warmly welcomed by the team at Greenback on our arrival, and sat down to a brief video introduction of their stand on environmentalism and what they do. Then, we got to watch a huge, 2-storey machine at work, sanitizing rows and rows of compost lying out in the sun. This, we learned, was how they generate compost within 14 days. Yes, 14 days. Check out how it’s done:

Green waste comes in the form of pruned trees and plants. The heavy wood is separated and the remaining green leaves and smaller, lighter branches get shredded.

Next, the green compost is laid in rows on a concrete surface, where the huge 2-storey pasteurizing machine processes it daily for 12 days. Subjecting the compost to high heat above 55 degrees Celsius not only kills pests, pathogens, weed seeds, and harmful bacteria, but it also helps the composting process, which normally generates heat anyway. It just speeds up the process from 3-6 months to 14 days!

Compost gets sorted through giant rotating sieves into grades of fine, medium and coarse. All of them are good for soil amendment, but fine is also good for growing seedlings, medium for mulching and top dressing, and coarse for amending clayey soil.

If you’re wearing the right kind of footwear (covered) and are adventurous enough to walk around working heavy machinery, you can go on the hard hat walkabout tour, as the Kaypoh Gardeners did. It was a bit daunting as the vehicles and machinery are in constant movement, albeit in a very orderly manner.

Excavator perched on a huge hill of green compost.

However, if you don’t go on the walkabout, you won’t get to see the garden at the back…

Experimental padi plot

One of many loaded papaya trees

Tapioca plants

And lots of other fruits and vegetables that included the most tender spinach I’ve ever eaten! What better product testimonial than to grow edibles using your own compost?

There is also a veggie plot in front.

You know, when I thought about going to a compost processing plant, I was worried that it would be a smelly place. Yes, there was a strong odour, but it was the same sweet, rich fragrance that my ton of compost had when it first arrived. Rather than feel overwhelmed by a different scent, I found it very pleasant – aromatherapy for a gardener, if you will…

In case I didn’t state it clearly enough, this compost is generated only from organic, green (plant) waste. Care is taken to remove foreign objects – by hand, as we observed some trash items removed from the green waste before it was shredded, and by magnets in the sieving machines, in case metal objects are still in there. Almost in contrast, another composting facility across the road had huge piles of compost sitting in the open elements with debris plainly visible in the piles. It was food for thought…

The reason we were invited is that GreenBack wants to reach out to “greenies” like us, and to educate people on what compost should be and how it can be used. We felt so honoured to hear that we were the very first group to have this tour of their production facility. I know that many of us practice composting on a small scale, but it’s eye-opening to see how the big-timers do it. If you’re as curious as we are, drop the GreenBack folks a note so you can also go see why they’re a certified recycled organic fertilizer producer.

Nehemiah, Allan, Enoch, Lileth and everyone at GreenBack, thank you for such an interesting afternoon!

Oh yes, check out Sky’s take on the outing as well.

A final note: your plants give back to you what you give to them. Whichever brand of compost you buy, check out the components to see what is put in there, because the term “compost” means different things to different manufacturers.

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The Great Bangkwang Experiment – progress!

The bangkwang tuber just a few centimetres underground!

Part 2 of my Great Bangkwang Experiment is still underway. It’s had a few hiccups because I’m lax in weeding, and the poor bangkwang plants were beheaded a few times when the grass was cut by someone else. Green bangkwang leaves on a sprawling vine just don’t show up well against green grass, so the plants were fair game… :|

Since I finally got around to weeding around the bangkwang plants, I decided to mix in a bit of my new compost to give the plants a boost. I cautiously shifted away the sandy soil by hand, not wanting to hurt the plant’s roots. My intention was to clear about 15cm around the plant, and the same distance deep. The main stem descended about 10cm, when suddenly, I realized that a tiny little tuber was peeking out of the soil at me! It was just 3cm across and looked more like a baby potato. As much as I wanted to uncover the entire tuber and admire it, I was responsible and quickly mixed in the compost and covered it to minimize its exposure, then moved to the second plant.

Honestly, I was more excited about this second plant because the stem was thicker than the first one’s, and my expectations were now up. I was not disappointed – this one was growing even closer to the surface, and it was bigger, at 5cm across! It, too, got a dose of compost and my well wishes to keep growing.

So, like the proverbial Doubting Thomas, I’m finally convinced that we can really grow our own bangkwang, and now I’m impatiently wondering how much longer we’ll have to wait before the tubers get big enough to harvest! 8)

  • Read Part 1 where we grew the bangkwang from a tuber to get seeds.
  • Then read Part 2 where we began growing the plants from seeds harvested from our first plant. Today’s post marks the halfway point in Part 2.
  • Bangkwang, as it’s called locally in Singapore, is also known as jicama, yam bean and Mexican turnip, among other things.

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And the hairy caterpillar becomes a…

If you’ve followed my blog, you’ll know that I don’t like hairy caterpillars because they’ve destroyed a number of my plants. I’ve often wondered which butterfly or moth is responsible for bringing them here (via eggs, of course), and I’ve finally got an answer, because an insolent hairy caterpillar came into the house and went into cocoon mode!

The caterpillar was first observed resting on the back of a door – or so I thought – until the furry-looking cocoon began forming overnight. As much as I detest these destructive creatures, I was fascinated enough to leave the cocoon alone to see what kind of moth or butterfly it would become.

About a week later, I got the answer:

Fresh from the cocoon...

Now I know, but it doesn’t help, because I haven’t seen this type of moth flying around. It’s got a pretty good camouflage pattern on the wings, hasn’t it? If, however, I see this moth anywhere, I’m going after it with my badminton racket! :P

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