The new veggie bed

3-week old corn plants. Don't they look very orderly?

3-week old corn plants. Don’t they look very orderly?

As mentioned in a previous post, I said I would tell you about the planting bed I started making before the haze hit. It’s the first time I’ve tried creating a mixed bed, and I expect I will learn from the experience. However, let me just share the intended plan for it first.

The stretch of it runs approximately north-south, so the length of it will be in full sunlight from morning until early to mid-afternoon, when the neighbour’s house and the jambu fruit tree will start to block direct sunlight.

With that in mind, I sowed white corn along the back (west) edge first, giving it a head start to grow. I eventually had to put in short stakes to note where each seedling was, and to protect the plants from our marauding dogs. The compost bed was so soft that they couldn’t resist walking all over it several times a day!

Next, straight down the middle went a row of several culinary ginger (zingiber officinale) plants transplanted from the back garden, where they weren’t growing well. Ginger grows slowly, so I’m not worried that the ginger plants will block the sunlight for the corn plants just yet.

The new gourd plant in its new home

The new marrow plant in its new home

The next plant that needed a bigger home is what I call the mystery marrow. This grew in my brother’s garden and bore a couple of large gourd-like fruits, and he saved some seeds for me. I don’t have a name for it, nor do I know what it will be like, because he didn’t show me the fruit in person. The plant resembles the winter melon vine, though, with similar cucurbitaceae leaves and hairy stems. It took almost a fortnight for the seedling to settle in to the new location, then it began growing quite rapidly. I initially protected it with a small tomato cage, but at the rate it was going, I had to quickly put up higher climbing supports. I’ll share that process in another post… Suffice it to know that this vine is at the south end of the veggie bed where it is now growing vertically.

The bangkwang or jicama plants that were growing wild in the garden. It's good to let plants go to seed and disperse them so you find little surprises like these!

The bangkwang or jicama plants that were growing wild in the garden. It’s good to let plants go to seed and disperse them so you find little surprises like these!

The front of the bed looked rather empty, so I tried putting in lemongrass for ground cover, but that was during the week when the haze was worst, and it looks like those plants may not make it. Instead, I turned to our prolific kangkong plants, taking some cuttings from the former kangkong tangle. To give the cuttings a fighting chance, I put the stems in water for a few days so they could grow more roots. Boy, did they ever do that! And they barely registered any shock when I planted them in the bed a few days later.

And while I was procuring the kangkong cuttings – which were growing above the bangkwang patch – I discovered several young, wild bangkwang (or jicama) plants that already had tubers forming. Of course I decided to add them to the veggie bed, too! They went in between the rows of corn and ginger. I expect these plants to provide good ground cover, and to probably start twining up the corn plants as they mature. However, as an old family friend once shared with me, don’t let the plants grow long stems because they will expend energy on flowers, pods and seeds instead of developing the tubers; keep the stems at a shorter length, and you should get bigger tubers faster. I hope that works.

The other (north) end of the bed got our first new burgundy okra plant. It still looked so empty, so I went hunting for other suitable candidates to add. That’s how the chilli plant that had been growing quite well in a recycled PET bottle got added to the front of the bed. A second chilli plant went in next to it, and I now have to wait for other plants to grow from seed.

The young burgundy okra plant. I can't stop appreciating the artistic red leaf veins and stems whenever I look at the plants!

The young burgundy okra plant. I can’t stop appreciating the artistic red leaf veins and stems whenever I look at the plants!

Some of the ginger plants...

Some of the ginger plants…

The newest kangkong plant cluster

The newest kangkong plant cluster

It may sound like there are a lot of plants crammed in there, but it’s actually rather empty-looking right now because they’re all still young. You may wonder why I have this hodgepodge approach to the veggie bed. Well, call it a combination of what I’ve learned about permaculture and companion planting – but my efforts are purely experimental and very novice, and limited by what is growing now. I’d like to say that I could plan better in the future, but you can’t always get seeds to germinate just because you sow them – because believe me, I’ve had rotten luck over the last two months. Was it the weather? Should I have tried lunar planting? I don’t know, but at least things are growing again. Trust me, there should be more to talk about very soon…

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Anticipating even more mulberries

This is the biggest cluster of mulberries to date, in our garden. May this just be the beginning of things to come...

This is the biggest cluster of mulberries to date, in our garden. May this just be the beginning of things to come…

It looks like the mulberry plant from Novice Gardener has settled in and is staying true to form – it’s starting to fruit rather profusely!

Just look at that cluster of mulberries in the making!

Just look at that cluster of mulberries in the making!

The clusters of fruits are currently close to the main stem, and since the plant is only about a metre and a half high, I can protect most of it from birds with a nice wire enclosure. This time, I expect a harvest of at least a handful! And, if the fruits are really sweet, I just may plant this in the garden instead of in a pot… :D

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Messy gardening

Weeding by mulching on the drieway. Yes, it looks terrible ...but it killed off the grass and weeds, and we got compost as well!

Weeding by mulching on the driveway. Yes, it looks terrible …but it killed off the grass and weeds, and we got compost in the bargain!

It wasn’t that long ago that I wondered about mulching being an easy way to get around weeding, and to test that theory out, I’ve created a few piles of garden waste here and there. People probably think I’ve become a very messy gardener, because they’re everywhere

Well, that, coupled with the haze that didn’t allow me to go work in the garden for a week, really made the garden look rather neglected over the last fortnight. I’ve since rectified that, but let me tell you about the composting.

I duplicated my first mulching experiment with a heaping of shredded dried leaves where I wanted to create a growing bed for my veggies. When I checked a fortnight later, I was pleased to see that the grass was dying off under the mulch, so I added fresh and old GreenBack compost, and another layer of shredded leaves to cover it. I intended to let this break down over a few weeks before starting to plant in it.

My good intentions, however, lasted less than a month. Let’s just say I’ve already started growing new plants there, and leave the details for another post… However, if I’d known the haze was coming, I wouldn’t have done that. A proper compost heap needs to be moist to work properly, and the hazy weather absolutely sucked the moisture out of everything. The mulch/compost dried out and became dry and chunky, and the plants began to suffer. I hand-watered them once or twice a day, depending on the condition of the soil, and watered heavily with the hose a couple of times. Now that the weather has been normal for a week, things are looking much better.

This is what it looks like when you're unable to sweep up the fallen fruits - ugly!

What it looks like when you’re unable to get out to prune or clean for several days – ugly! I don’t like it when things get in the way of my gardening…

The second compost pile began under the jambu fruit tree. It’s a rather large tree, and when it’s fruiting season, tends to litter the ground with pale green, juicy fruits that are quickly eaten by birds, beetles and other creepy-crawlies. The best we can manage at times like that is to rake the fruits into a pile, and add other green and brown organic waste to help with the composting. Thanks to the hot weather, however, this lot dehydrated fast!

The third compost pile began to accumulate on part of the driveway. This was part of my campaign to kill off grass and weeds that were growing out of cracks in the cement – and it worked well. It just looked very messy, but I was interested to note that even earthworms found their way there to help with the decomposition process, and the bottom-most layer resembled soil.

The interesting part about having these compost piles was noticing the sudden increase of different birds in the garden. The fruit-eaters had a feast with the jambu fruits – both on the tree and on the ground – and we watched the ever-present mynahs hopping around with yellow-vented bulbuls, black-naped orioles, glossy starlings and purple-backed starlings. Speckled doves and little sparrows seemed very interested in the contents of the compost heaps, and the brown shrike was perched nearby a lot more, watching for prey on the ground. My mum was thrilled to see a magpie as well. It’s the first time I’ve seen one, myself, but they apparently used to be more common in years gone by. I’d love to get a picture of it soon…

Even the resident Oriental garden lizards gravitated towards the heaps of garden waste. Besides harbouring insects, the piles made an excellent perch for the lizards to sun themselves on.

A purple-backed starling in the jambu fruit tree. Is the back really purple?

A purple-backed starling in the jambu fruit tree. Is the back really purple?

I know that having garden waste decompose in your garden isn’t the prettiest sight, but if you really want to take an organic approach, mulching and composting are the way to go. The benefits are that you reduce the amount of waste taken away by the garbage collectors, you are recycling your green waste and creating your own compost, and you create a habitat for birds and other wildlife that usually find it hard to find a place to go. If you’re more industrious than I just was, you can do it neatly in an enclosure, as I used to. However, now that I know I can use this as a weeding method, I think it may continue to look a little messy here!

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Hazed out

The horrible haze situation we had last week made me feel like we were enclosed in a huge machine that was slowly smoking the moisture out of everything, including us. Now, after a few days of respite, the plants are still showing the effects of the smoky conditions, shedding lots and lots of leaves and generally looking rather miserable.

White corn seedlings all lined up when they first germinated. They don't look as pretty now.

White corn seedlings all lined up when they first germinated. They don’t look as pretty now. The layer of mulch wasn’t very effective…

I tried my best to keep the more important plants watered throughout that period. There were several new plants that had been planted out the week before, and they were struggling. One is a newcomer to our garden – white corn from the Weed family. I had a nice long row of plants when they started out, but there are now spaces in the ranks as the young ‘uns couldn’t tolerate the harsh dryness of the air. Mind you, I did my best to soak the bed and keep it moist all day – I even had a layer of mulch! The haze, however, effectively sucked the moisture out of everything.

Other plants are struggling, too. The kangkong jungle is still shedding leaves in response to the haze, and the angled loofah vine is rather sparse. I’m worried it may not stay around much longer. Even the belimbing fruits are small and unhealthy-looking.

Note that there will be no photos of the suffering plants here today. I’d rather show the good stuff here since the not-so-good things are too blatant right now.

Some of our new seedlings - Thai pumpkin on the left and winged beans on the right.

Some of our new seedlings – Thai pumpkin on the left and winged beans on the right.

I have been in the process of starting new generations of plants for a few weeks now. There are new plants of Thai pumpkin, winged beans, long beans and okra. For some reason, brinjal refuses to get started – but I’ll keep trying. I have other seeds lined up for sowing – not literally, yet – but I intend to build up the veggie garden again. I just hope the weather clears up in the region so that we can all enjoy our gardens in good, clean air. Thank goodness it has started raining again!

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