I’ve been moseying around the garden at night quite a bit lately because I’ve been trying to protect the bush bean plants from beetles that have been feeding avidly on the leaves. In doing this, I realized there are a … Continue reading
Tag Archives: snail
Just to refresh your memory, when I talk about garden ninjas, I’m referring to snails. They are silent, stealthy and they kill plants efficiently… Take a look at (what’s left of) my Tarahumara sunflower plant. Just yesterday it was a … Continue reading
It’s time to talk about garden snails. Yes, I usually rant about them, but last week when I was out checking on my plants, I felt a bit bad when I realized how many empty snail shells were scattered about. … Continue reading
You know how the margarita drink is served with salt lining the rim of the glass? Well, I decided to copy that idea to deter snails when I planted out my shark fin melon seedling. Yes, it was a risk … Continue reading